Multi Media Machine make no claim to ownership of any of the games on this disc. All we did, was seek out the best games and weed out the rubbish, to make the games easily accessible to you. Therefore we can't guarantee that any game will work on your *particular* system although all the games did work for us.. Public Domain programs are written by ordinary members of the public - people just like you, in fact. Because programming is their hobby, they have chosen to make their games freely available to you. If you write a nice game, and you would like to see it on the next edition of this CD, then send it to us! Technically, "public domain" means that *anyone* can use the product for *any* purpose. In fact, by far the majority of the games on this disc are actually not public domain, but "Freeware". This means that the game may be freely copied and given to your friends, but the *copyright* on the game remains with the author, and you must abide by their restrictions, as detailed in the documentation. Please comply with what they ask. Thank you.